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How to add the Epic Sum Up Dashboard Gadget to Confluence Cloud

The Epic Sum Up Grid Gadget is not supported in Confluence due to its complex technical features. However, there is a workaround on how to display it in Confluence. Follow this step-by-step guide:

  1. Create a completely new dashboard

  2. Add the Epic Sum Up Filter Results Grid Gadget to the dashboard

    1. It’s important that it is the only gadget on the dashboard

    2. Also make sure that your layout only has one frame

  3. Configure the gadget to your needs and save it

  4. In the top right corner of the dashboard, open the "..." Menu, select "View as wallboard" and copy the URL

    1. It should look something like

  5. Open the Confluence page where you want to display the Epic Sum Up Filter Results Grid Gadget and go into edit mode

  6. Click on "+", click "View more"

  1. Search for "Iframe," select it, and click "Insert" (bottom right corner)

  2. In the URL field, enter the wallboard URL copied previously and adjust remaining settings (width and height) of the Iframe

Screenshot 2024-02-20 165537.png

Just an example

  1. Save/Update

You should now see gadget on your Confluence page.

Please keep in mind that some functionality working in Jira might not work as expected in Confluence(e.g. Opening the Detail View Editor doesn't work).

If you run into any issues, please contact our support team at

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