Project configuration
Company-managed projects
Summary Panel
If these settings are not customized, the global settings will be used.
Here you can configure Summary Panel settings for a specific project and Summary Panels per issuetype(s).
Any configurations at this level will only appear on the specific project that you are customizing. All configurations at this level will override the Summary Panel configuration per issue type(s) in the global configuration.
For configuration options of progress bars, you can have a look at this page.
Team-managed projects
General settings
Here you can configure the issue types that will display the Summary Panel.
Summary Panel
In order to customize the Summary Panel configuration, please activate the toggle at the top.
If this is not activated, the default settings will be used.
The default settings are:
time progress bar
status category progress bar
Any configurations at this level will only appear on the specific project that you are customizing.
For configuration options of progress bars, you can have a look at this page.