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Public Java API documentation



Provides progress results for either an issue and its children or for a specific list of issues

/* Returns how many issues there are in total and resolved within the issue and it's childs */
ProgressResolutionResult getProgressByResolution(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
ProgressResolutionResult getProgressByResolution(List<Issue> issues)

/* Returns how many issues there are in total within the issue and it's childs */
ProgressNumberResult getTotal(Issue issue, CustomField customField, ApplicationUser user)
ProgressNumberResult getTotal(List<Issue> issue, CustomField customField)

/* Returns how many issues there are within the issue and it's childs, grouped by the status category */
ProgressStatusCategoryResult getStatusCategoryProgress(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
ProgressStatusCategoryResult getStatusCategoryProgress(List<Issue> issues)

/* Returns a time progress status of the issue and it's childs */
ProgressTimeResult getTimeProgress(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
ProgressTimeResult getTimeProgress(List<Issue> issues)

/* Returns a number progress result for a specific number CustomField of the issue and it's childs */
ProgressNumberWithStatusResult getNumberProgress(Issue issue, CustomField customField, ApplicationUser user)
ProgressNumberWithStatusResult getNumberProgress(List<Issue> issues, CustomField customField)

/* Result the status text "10h / 40h" */
ProgressResult getGenericProgress(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
ProgressResult getGenericProgress(Issue issue, CustomField customField, ApplicationUser user)


Provides hierarchy information for an issue

List<Issue> getChildIssues(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
Long[] getChildIssueIds(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
String[] getChildIssueKeys(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
Issue getParent(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)
Issue[] getParents(Issue issue, ApplicationUser user)


Renders a progress bar as an SVG, which can be used for PDF exports

String renderAsSvg(ProgressTimeResult timeResult, Integer width, Integer height)
String renderAsSvg(ProgressResolutionResult resolutionResult, Integer width, Integer height)
String renderAsSvg(ProgressNumberWithStatusResult numberResult, Integer width, Integer height)
String renderAsSvg(ProgressStatusCategoryResult statusCategoryResult, Integer width, Integer height)

Return values


/* Number of all issues in this scope */
Integer getTotal()

/* Number of all issues in this scope with resolution */
Integer getResolved()

/* Number of all issues in this scope without resolution */
Integer getUnresolved()

/* Status text like "5 / 25"
String getText()


/* Aggregated number of a CustomField for all issues in the scope */
Double getTotal()

/* Aggregated number of a CustomField for all resolved issues in the scope */
Double getResolved()

/* Aggregated number of a CustomField for all unresolved issues in the scope */
Double getUnresolved()

/* Aggregated number of the configured budget CustomField for all issues in the scope */
Double @Nullable getBudget()

/* Status text like "15.5 / 125.5"
String getText()


/* Aggregated number of a CustomField for all issues in the scope */
Double getTotal()

/* Status text like "125.5"
String getText()


Long getTimeSpent()
Long getOriginalEstimate()
Long getRemainingEstimate()
Long @Nullable getBudget()

/* Returns the amount of time spent within the original estimate (ProgressBar: Green) */
Long getTimeSpentInEstimate()

/* Returns the amout of time spent that goes over the original estimate (ProgressBar: Red) */
Long getTimeSpentOverEstimate()

/* Returns the remaining time within the original estimate (ProgressBar: Grey) */
Long getRemainingTimeInEstimate()

/* Returns the remaining time that goes over the original estimate (ProgressBar: Light Red) */
Long getRemainingTimeOverEstimate()

/* Returns the original estimate that is no longer needed due to a lower remaining estimate */
Long getWonTime()

/* Returns the remaining time until the budget based on maximum of (timeSpent + remainingEstimate) or the original estimate */
Long getTimeToBudget()
String getText()


/* Number of all issues in this scope */
Integer getTotal()

/* Number of all issues that have a specific status category in this scope */
Integer getCountByStatusCategory(String statusCategoryKey)

/* Number of all issues that have a specific status category in this scope */
Integer getCountByStatusCategory(StatusCategory statusCategory)

/* Map that contains a list of all status category and the number of issues they have */
SortedMap<StatusCategory, Integer> getCountByStatusCategory()
String getText()


String getText()
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