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Epic overview report

What is the Epic Sum Up epic overview? 

The epic overview is a report that can be accessed via the Jira reports. It shows the progress of epics by board. 3 metrics can be used for project tracking: time, completed issues or status category.

Included in the report are the fields: issue, project, resolution and progress. It is the predecessor of our dashboard gadget which you can try for more flexible reporting options. 

How to configure the Epic Sum Up epic overview?

When you access the report via the project panel you can switch between boards, using the select field at the top. Below that you can also find two quick filters: only my issues and recently updated. 

To configure which progress bar is shown in the epic overview report, navigate to the global or project settings. Once you’re in the Epic Sum Up settings, go to the custom field tab and choose completed issues, status category or time from the drop-down menu. 

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