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What are Counters?

Counters are small indicators that can be added to the Summary Panel. Counters sum up all values of a specific kind within a hierarchy. At the moment there are counters for attachments, comments, flags and links available. 

Additionally, using expressions, you can define your own counters.

They are clickable and open a related Detail View Editor. For comments and attachments the related overview will open. 


What are the benefits of counters?

Epic Sum Up allows you to easily find attachments, comments, flags and links within hierarchies, using counters.

Expression counters allow you to count specfic values within a hierarchy. This can be the number of overdue issues or the hours spent by a specific user group or anything else you can think of.

Counters can be used in the following structures:

  • epics

  • Advanced Roadmaps

  • Epic Sum Up containers

One benefit of Epic Sum Up, is that when using counters, it is easier to find comments – compared to using Jira default search.

Additionally, when emails are added as comments, you can find them quickly & easily.

Learn more about the benefits of using counter overviews here. 

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